Welcome to Our Farm


Grown with love

High-Quality Organic Products


Without harmful additives

Fresh Organic Produce


With lots of vitamins

A Few Words About Our Farm

We farm and deliver straight to your doorstep

New Urban Farm Founder

Always Fresh

Thanks to innovative organic technologies, our products are always fresh and don’t need any treatment.

100% organic

We adhere to our organic philosophy, which implies avoiding pesticides and non-organic fertilizers.

No additives

We avoid any artificial additives after harvesting the crops to offer you the best organic products.

Modern farm

Though we rely on traditional organic farming a lot, we also use the latest farming innovations.

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Benefits of Organic Produce

Organic food faq

Organic goods are cultivated using eco-friendly practices, prohibiting the use of harmful pesticides and persistent agricultural chemicals. Moreover, there's an emphasis on utilizing renewable resources and safeguarding the integrity of soil and water.

Steering clear of agricultural chemicals stands out as a primary incentive for consuming organic food. Recent studies show that individuals who opt for organic products typically prioritize factors like health, nutrition, taste, and food safety. Additionally, the environmental impact serves as a significant factor driving the decision to purchase and consume organic items.

Increasing research suggests higher levels of specific nutrients in organic crops in comparison to conventional ones. If apprehensive about pesticides, it's worth noting that organic agriculture prohibits the use of potentially hazardous, persistent pesticides and fertilizers. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) identifies 60% of herbicides, 90% of fungicides, and 30% of insecticides as having potential cancer-causing properties.

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